Meet The Doctor


Hello, I'm Dr. McCauley

Is your back pain hurting your daily life? In other words are you frustrated with not being able to participate in activities you enjoy? Things like golf, or playing with your children or grandchildren, working in the garden, or even getting a good night’s sleep?

Are you concerned or frustrated with taking pills just to get through the day or through the night? 

I want you to know, that I understand how you feel. I’ve seen it many times you are not alone; there are others who have felt the same way. But there is hope because what we have found is that once we identify the cause of your pain we can begin to address it appropriately and begin to move in the direction of recovery.

Think about that! Imagine if you were able to do more, have more fun, play golf, play with the children, stop taking those harmful pills or simply sleep better. What would that look like for you? What if chiropractic could help you get there, wouldn’t you want to know?

I know what this is like. In fact my experience is what drove me to become a chiropractor. I would like to take a moment, with your permission, to share with you why I do what I do and why I am sharing the information with you. Would that be okay? Great!

My first experience with chiropractic was very similar to most people’s first experience. Out of desperation! It appears that we try all other treatments and when they fail we then try chiropractic. Many moons ago while I was in my early 20’s I was playing semi-professional football with aspiration of playing professional football. Every so often out of absolutely nowhere, my mid back would completely seize up. I could be in a middle of a full speed sprint and bam! my back would lock up in excruciating pain that would cause me to simply do a face plant to the ground. There I would lie for several minutes feeling embarrassed and frustrated as I was letting my teammates down. After a few minutes with some help I was able to get up. It would be a couple of day before I can get back on the field again. At the same time I was also dealing with this nagging shoulder problem. So my season would go something like this, I would play on Saturday, bang myself up and then spend every day of the week going to the physical therapist who would patch me up enough to be able to play again the next Saturday. This went on for several weeks. During this period of my life I was also looking for work so I answered an ad for a chiropractic assistant. I had no idea what a chiropractor did but I was into exercises and health so I thought this might be good. So to make a long story short I got the job and after a couple weeks the chiropractor noticed I was leaving every day to get some care so he had asked what I was doing and had offered to help. Since I really wasn’t getting any better I gave it a shot. He did a very thorough exam, more detailed than any other doctor and had a good idea as to why I wasn’t getting better.

I began receiving adjustments and within a couple of weeks I was feeling great and my back never seized up again. From that moment on I began to pay attention to what was going on in the office. I noticed that people were getting better and some patients were excited to share their story with me. It was so rewarding to see how grateful and happy these patients were. This touched me deeply and I knew this is what I wanted to do.

Now after 15 years in practice I have seen 1st hand not only how much better people feel, but how healthier they are by addressing the underlying cause of the problem rather than simply masking the symptoms.

What I have discovered over these last 15 years is that the healthcare system as a whole is lacking to say the least, but specifically with regards to spinal pain, they do not know what to do! I have seen hundreds of patient go through the process of taking their pills, then told to either rest or do physical therapy or instructed to heat or ice the area; no one seems to know what to do. Then if all that doesn’t work you will be referred to the specialist to have more testing done until you are told to either live with it because your condition is due to "normal aging" (we will talk about that later) or your only hope is surgery.

The current healthcare system is plagued with misdiagnosis, harmful procedures and damaging side-effects, not to mention that many doctors are handcuffed by the insurance companies who are nor dictating what care you can receive. All of this may be doing more harm than good and may be allowing your condition to get worse.

I want to change all that! I want you to get started on the right track and in order to do that you must be well informed about your condition. This is why I offer a completely free consultation with no obligation. We will discuss your condition and I will give you my recommendations and some helpful tips to get you started. 

Don't wait, Call us today!


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1162 Main St. | Newman, CA 95360

Office Hours




8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


By Appt. Only



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